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Amal Unbound ch 11-20

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Amal decide to do about Nabila's attitude?
stand up for herself
What does Amal think about Nasreen?
She is a kind woman.
Why is Nasreen so upset? What did Nabila do?
burnt clothes
Why is Nabila so angry?
Because Amal came to replace her
Which was Amal's first job?
How is Amal feeling in her new place?
Who is Fatima?
the cook's daughter
What is Amal supposed to do in the estate?
Nasreen's assistant
Is there any other servant in the estate? Any kid?
What difference did Amal notice in the estate?
owners and servants place
What did Amma and Seema give Amal before leaving?
cellphone and teddy bear
Who came to fetch Amal?
the driver
How is Amal feeling? Give three adjectives. (don't use sad, bad)
worried, afraid, depressed
What is happening with Amal's parents?
They argue about letting Amal go.
How is Amal's father going to solve the problem?
get the money soon and get Amal back home.
What did Jawad decide to do?
Take Amal as a servant
How is Amma feeling?
Better but worried about Amal
What did the note Amal's father got say?
Jawad is coming on Friday.
How did Amal's father get to know about the situation between Amal and Jawad?
He got a note
Who did bump on Amal when she got out of the market?
Jawad Sahib