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Present Simple VS Present Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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the period between 13 and 19
when you don't work anymore because you are old
retire (retirement)
Do you _____ a lot with your parents? (fight verbally)
You need to _____ for this exam. (focus)
Do you like having _____ in English? (talks in English)
How can you _____ your English? (make better)
Моя двоюродная сестра не учится в университете. Она учится в школе
My cousin doesn't study at the university. She studies at school
Кто-то стучит. Ты можешь открыть дверь?
Somebody is knocking. Can you open the door?
Почему они кричат?
Why are they shouting?
Остановись! Она не слушает тебя
Stop! She isn't listening to you
Когда твоя племянница ходит в музыкальную школу?
When does your niece go to the musical school?
На нем надеты новые джинсы сегодня
He is wearing new jeans today
Где живут твой дядя и твоя тётя? Они живут в Париже
Where do your uncle and aunt live? They live in Paris
Я никогда не хожу гулять по средам
I never go out on Wednesdays
Что ты сейчас делаешь?
What are you doing now?