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NHG Step 5 group G QUIZZZZZ

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are the new zealand national champs going to be held in 2022?
How many coaches are in the gym?? (WAG)
9= Liezl, Emma, Kaylah, Lucille, Makenna, Laura, Jordan, Sarah, Olga!
Who is this?? (hard)
Frank (lola v's dog!)
Who is this??
Simone biles!!
What is the record for press to handstand for our group?
Sophia with 8 in a row!!
Did anyone from new zealand go to the olympics for WAG gymnastics?
No. :(
Who runs all of WAG??
The fabulous Leizl!!!!
Do we have twins in our gym??
Who out of the group has been together since step 1?
Lola V and PIper!
Who quit gymnastics in 2020? :(