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Rooms in the house
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What do we do in the dining room? 我们在餐厅做什么? Wǒmen zài cāntīng zuò shénme?
We eat in the dining room.
What do we do in the bedroom? 我们在卧室做什么? Wǒmen zài wòshì zuò shénme?
We sleep in the bedroom.
What do we do in the kitchen? 我们在厨房做什么? Wǒmen zài chúfáng zuò shénme?
We cook in the kitchen.
What do we do in the living room? 我们在客厅做什么? Wǒmen zài kètīng zuò shénme?
We rest in the living room.
What room is it?
It's a dining room
What room is it?
It's a living room
What room is it?
It's a bedroom
What room is it?
It's a kitchen.
What room is it?
It's a bathroom