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Library Book Genres

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of story has ghosts?
scary or horror
This genre is for actors to perform on stage.
drama or plays
This genre may have words that rhyme.
What do we call books that make you scared?
scary or horror
What do we call a person's life story?
The place and time where a story happens.
What kind of story might have pirates?
The people or animals in a story are:
What kind of story has clues to help solve a problem?
What kind of book is this?
nonfiction / informational
What kind of story is this?
graphic novel
What kind of story is this?
What kind of story is this?
historical fiction
What kind of story is this?
What kind of story is this?
fairy tale
Which genre helps you learn facts about the real world?
nonfiction or informational
What genre uses animals to tell a story that teaches a lesson?
Which genre has traditional stories from other cultures?
What genre takes place outdoors and may have danger?
What genre takes place in the future, and may be about space or robots?
science fiction
What kind of story begins with "Once upon a time....?"
fairy tale
What genre has a comic book format?
graphic novel
What kind of story could really happen now?
realistic fiction
Which genre has magic and talking animals. It could never happen in real life.
Which genre takes place a long time ago?
historical fiction
Which genre makes you laugh?
funny / humor