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Class preparation checking!

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you turn one of your words into an adjective?
You can use these suffixes -able -ible - al -ial -ical -ant - ent -ary -ful -full -ic -ive -ious -ous -less -y -like -ish -ile -an -ian -ing -ed
Share your screen with all your words.
If your chart is complete, you get the point.
Did you find a word that's an adverb? Can you turn one of your words into an adverb?
They often end in -ly
Did you find a word that's a noun? Can you turn one of your words into a noun?
You can use these suffixes -an -ent -ee -er -or -ism -ist -ment -ness -sion -tion -ship -ity -ing
Did you find a word that's a verb?
Your answer
Tell all your words to your partner: What is one word that your partner already knows?
Your answer
Use all of your words in one example.
Your answer
What's the longest word you found?
Your answer
Show the IPA of one of your words.
Your answer
What's the shortest word in your list?
Your answer
What's the most difficult to pronounce word in your list?
Your answer
Mimic one of your words to your partner in 10 seconds
Your answer (If your partner guesses correctly, you get the point)
Spell one of your words to your partner
Your answer
Which of the words you found can be a verb and a noun?
Your answer