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Unit 6: Last Weekend (Teacher: Miss Atiqah)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your friends shared 2 truths 1 lie before, tell us one truth about what your friend did during last weekend. Example: Shifaa…
Refer to previous activity.
Your friends shared 2 truths 1 lie before, tell us one truth about what your friend did during last weekend. Example: Shifaa…
Refer to previous activity.
Your friends shared 2 truths 1 lie before, tell us one lie about what your friend did during last weekend. Example: Shifaa…
Refer to previous activity.
Your friends shared 2 truths 1 lie before, tell us one lie about what your friend did during last weekend. Example: Shifaa…
Refer to previous activity.
How was your weekend? Where did you went to?
It (was/wasn't) (brilliant/cool/OK//great). I went to .....
How was your weekend? Where did you went to?
It (was/wasn't) (brilliant/cool/OK//great). I went to .....
What were they doing? Where?
They were playing at a park.
What were they doing?
They were playing football.
What were they doing and Where?
They were watching a game at a stadium.
What was she doing last weekend?
She was swimming.
What was she doing last weekend?
She was playing tennis.
What was he doing last weekend?
He was cycling.