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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Using the number lines shown, what is the equivalent fraction to 2⁄4?
Lastly, Gilly and Luke found a book on Greek mythology and the 12 most important Greek myths. The book had 120 pages. Gilly and Luke read 40 pages of the book. What fraction of the book did they read?
40 out of 120 = 40 / 120 = 4/12 = 1/3 He read 1/3 of the Greek mythology book.
Luke saw 9 books about the Solar System and its 9 planets. These were thick books and so he thought that 2 of these would be enough. What fraction of the solar system books did he borrow?
2 out of 9 = 2/9 He borrowed 2/9 of the solar system books.
Of the 10 books on fairy tales, Gilly borrowed 3. What fraction of the books on fairy tales did she borrow?
3 out of 10 = 3/10 Gilly borrowed 3/10 of the fairy tale books.
Frannie wrote this down as one of the answers on her homework assignment. 3/7 < 3/4 Is her answer correct?
Frannie took 5/5 of a cake to her friend’s party. 5/5 is equivalent to what whole number?
Frannie has ribbons that are 2/4 yard long, 4/4 yard long, and 1/4 yard long. Write the fractions in order from least to greatest.
1/4, 2/4, 4/4
Frannie realized that 1/3 of her light sabers were gold, and that 1/7 of Molly’s light sabers were silver. Write a comparison statement to describe these fractions.
1/7 >1/3
Frannie was training for a marathon. She ran 5/8 mile on Monday, 2/8 mile on Tuesday, and 7/8 mile on Wednesday. Put the fractions in order from least to greatest.
2/8, 5/8, 7/8
Answer the question.
Frannie was asked to make some snacks for her friend’s birthday. She mixed 2/4 cup of crackers with 2/8 cup of chocolate chips. Write a comparison statement to describe these fractions.
2/4 >2/8
Read the question
Read the question
Frannie ate 7/7 of the pizza she was served last night. Write another fraction that is equivalent to 7/7.
Any fraction that is equivalent to 1
Frannie drank 5/8 pint of an energy drink. Danny drank 2/8 of an energy drink. Write a comparison statement to describe these fractions.
2/8 < 5/8
Read the question
In my flower garden, I had six rose bushes and two lilac bushes. What fraction of the plants were lilacs?
How many fourths are the same size as one-half? How many sixths are the same size as one-half?
2/4 3/6
What is a fraction?
A fraction is a number that represents an equal part of awhole or equal part of a set