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Aquarela do Cerrado

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are there any female voices in this song?
No, unfortunatly there aren't any female voices in the song!
Is there a violin in this song?
No, there isn't!
Is there any piano in this song?
No, there isn't!
Is there a saxophone in this song?
No, there isn't!
Is there a harp in this song?
No, there isn't!
Is there a bassoon in this song?
No, there isn't!
Is there an accordion in this song?
No, there isn't!
Is there any harmonica in this song?
No, there isn't!
Is there any electric bass in this song?
No, there isn't!
Are there any male voices in this song?
Yes, there are!
Is there a snare drum in this song?
Yes, there is!
Are there any maraca shakers in this song?
Yes, there are!
Is there any triangle in this song?
Yes there is!
Are there any pifanos (bamboo flutes) in this song?
Yes there are!
Are there any alfaia drums in this song?
Yes there are!
Are there any agogo bells in this song?
Yes there are!