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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ho Chi Minh is famous because for fighting to find a way to save the country
Ho Chi Minh is famous FOR fighting to find a way to save the country
He is likes good things, he is dislikes evil
He LIKES good things and he dislikes evil
His die in 1969
HE DIED in 1969
His born in 1890
HE WAS born in 1890
He like children and very funny to children
He LIKES children and IS very funny to children/He LIKES children and THEY FIND HIM very funny
He's a very good footballer and a goodness person
He's a very good footballer and GOOD person
He have got lots of personal awards, records and beautiful goals
He HAS got lots of personal awards, records and beautiful goals
He have an another name called CR7
He HAS another name which is CR7
He start job in 2012
He STARTED HIS job in 2012
He famous because his a DJ Top 10 on the world and he make many good song
He IS famous because HE IS a TOP 10 DJ IN the world and he MAKES many good SONGS
He born day 24 August 1997
He WAS born on 24 August 199/ HIS BIRTHDAY IS 24 August 1997
I likes he because he is famous Manga comic author
I like HIM because he is A famous Manga comic author
He's likes drawing famous Manga
HE likes drawing famous Manga
He 58 years old
He IS 58 years old
He famous for draw Manga
He IS famous for DRAWING Manga
His name Gosho
His name IS Gosho
All the song that he composed is famous
All the SONGS that he composed is famous
His song is trending in 2019
His song WAS trending in 2019
He's like VietNam pancakes.
He LIKES Vietnamese pancakes
He was born in 12 April 1997
He was born ON 12 April 1997