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Past week in review April

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Rachel has 2 quarters, 4 dimes and 1 nickel. How much money does she have?
95 cents
Which line is longer the top, the middle or the bottom? _____________ _________________________ _______________________
The middle.
Abigail counted her shoes... 2+2+2+2+2? How many shoes does she have? Now then, how many pairs does she have?
10 shoes, 5 pairs
Tanisi has 18 pairs of shoes and loses one of each of the pairs. How many shoes does she have now?
What time does the clock say?
What time does the clock say?
1 o'clock Sometimes clocks don't have numbers on them so you should really get familiar with where the numbers are.
What time does this clock say?
What is a category?
To group things that are similar or the same. Remember in our tutorial What's the Weather, we categorized the weather into groups.
What are two two fast changes to land?
Examples: volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.
What is one thing you should never do near water?
Be alone.
What is one thing you can wear to be safe in the water?
A life jacket.
Good readers can remember when events happen in a story. What happened right after he retold his story of sleeping in a can?
He looked in the mirror and decided to live a happier life.
What is the Central Message of The Bad Seed?
People make choices in their attitude towards life. Good or Bad.
What is the Central Message of My Rotten Red Headed Older Brother?
This books shows that even though they bickered, family is family and you take care of them when it comes down to it.
What is the Central Message of Frederick?
That all of us have talents to share, and we all need to contribute. It may not all be in the same way.
What is Frederick's job in his society?
An artist.
How did Richie feel about Treesha's accident? Give two pieces of evidence from the text
Scared (evidence:He carried her all the way home and he ran to the doctor's house)
What did the character do for a living in the book - My Name is Georgia
An artist
Who were the characters in The Bad Seed?
The Bad Seed and other seeds
Who were the characters in My Rotten Red-Headed Older Brother?
Treesha, Ritchie, Bubba (Babushka/Grandma)
Who were the characters in the story Frederick?
Frederick and his family of four mice.