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B1+ unit 1A+1B

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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MAKE A QUESTION: the / person / who / in / your / tallest / family / ? / is
who is the tallest person in your family?
MAKE A QUESTION: TV / you / ? / often / how / watch / films / do / on
how often do you watch films on TV?
MAKE A QUESTION: of / do / choose / you / which / pizza / ? / type
which type of pizza do you choose?
A: When was the last time you had ________? B: Last Friday! I haven't seen my friends for ages, so it was nice to catch up.
people around for dinner
When you go to the hospital you get a doctor's _______, when you buy something you get a ________ for your purchases, if you want to cook something delicious you need a good ______
prescription, receipt, recipe
TRANSLATE: Aš domiuosiu dailiuoju čiuožimu
I'm interested in figure skating
A: I haven't seen our cousins in ages! B: You're right, let's _______ them next weekend!
visit/meet up
A: Do you want to go out on Friday? B: Sorry, I'm too tired. I'd rather _________
have a quiet night in
PARAPHRASE: It's not a problem for me to work on Sundays.
I don't mind working on Sundays
I think, Marilyn Monroe was very _________!
Albert Einstein was very _______
A: When was the las time you had a _______________ ? B: Last Sunday! Because I didn't have to get up early.
a lie-in
TRANSLATE: Negaliu pakęsti laukti ilgose eilėse. Visiškas laiko gaišimas!
I can't bear/stand waiting in the long queues! It's a total waste of time!
TRANSLATE: Šis triukšmas varo mane iš proto!
This noise is driving me crazy!
all the kids are keen _______ (swim)