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GE4 - Meio - Lesson 14 - Gerund and Infinitives  ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find the mistake:If you want to learn to speaking a language well, you should talk to local people.
Find the mistake: We try to getting away somewhere sunny at least once a year.
to get
Find the mistake:I remember to lock the door but I forgot to close the windows!
Find the mistake:To visiting the traditional street market is very interesting.
Find the mistake: Did you remember to writing down your passport numbers in case they get lost
to write
Find the mistake: I prefer eat in small local restaurants when I travel.
to eat - eating
I don't spend a lot of time (play) computer games.
They decided (watch) a film.
to watch
You never offer (make) dinner.
to make
Sam suggested (meet) at the station.
Mary pretends (be) ill because she doesn't want to work.
to be
Josh's parents promised (buy) him a bike for his birthday.
to buy
We always look forward to (go) on holiday.
Do you fancy (learn) to ice-skate?
My boyfriend doesn't like (dance).
dancing OR to dance
They plan (go) to Thailand for a holiday.
to go
We don't mind (give) you a hand.
Does your daughter enjoy (play) computer games?
Do you want (use) my mobile phone?
to use
I refuse (speak) to them.
to speak