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Healthy Friendships #1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I overheard my friends talking about me while I was in the bathroom. It made me feel awful and sad.
If your friends are talking behind your back they might not be true friends. Can you talk to them about it?
My friends tell me I'm funny and always laugh at things I say. The thing is, I'm not trying to be funny, and it actually hurts my feelings.
Can you talk to your friends and say how you feel? Why do they think you are being funny? Understanding their perspective can help
When I talk about things that are important to me, my friend teases me and doesn't understand my interests. Are we friends?
talk about how you feel? Remember that you & your friend might not have ALL the same interests. But she should also respect what you have to say.
An acquaintance asks if she can eat lunch you & your friends since her friends are away. One of you friends says "sorry, it's not going to work today". You feel bad. What do you do?
if your group made special plans to spend time together, you can say this in a polite way. BUT if your friend is leaving her out, reconsider
Two girls in class are whispering and looking at you. You know they are talking about you. What do you do?
No right answer. You need to do what you feel most comfortable with.
A girl you don't really know asks you a personal question. You don't really trust her....how can you respond?
"I don't feel comfortable talking about that" or "I'm not sure why you are asking me that?"or "I dunno" and change the topic
A girl in your class tells ALL the girls except one to wear pink on Wednesday. What do you do?
no right answer! You need to do what you feel is best.
I love fashion and I enjoy dressing up. It makes me feel good. But some of the kids look at me funny and say things like "what are you wearing?" in a rude way. should I change what I wear?
If you are comfortable, be yourself. When others are rude trying saying "that is rude!" or "I like my outfit" or "hmmm, interesting" or "whoa that was harsh"
One day my friends were being mean to this girl in the group. I joined in too. I was relieved it wasn't me, but I felt bad. Not sure what to do.
Call or speak to the girl to apologize. Remember the situation and act differently next time.
I overheard this boy saying really rude things to a girl at lunch. She looked very upset but didn't say anything. I wasn't sure what to do?
If you feel comfortable you could step in and stand up for her. Or after, check-in to see if she is ok.
My friend and I had a disagreement. We have never had a fight before. I think our friendship is over. I'm so sad.
Nobody is perfect, and most friends do have disagreements. You can't always agree! Try to talk it out.
You made a mistake. You shared a secret that you shouldn't have and now your friend barely looks at you! You have hurt her feelings. What can you do?
Try to make it right! Talk to your friend and take responsibility. Admit your mistake and apologize. Be patient, she might need time to forgive and trust you