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4thgrade 3rdbim final review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I / travelled / "Caldas Novas" / to / vacation. / last
I travelled to "Caldas Novas" last vacation.
like / didn't / Corinthias / yesterday. / game / Suzy
Suzy didn't like Corinthias' game yesterday.
play / last / didn't / games / I / class.
I didn't play games last class.
helped / Jim / I / with his homework / 3 months ago.
I helped Jim with his homework 3 months ago.
start / the / didn't / class / at 3 o'clock / week / last.
The class didn't start at 3 o'clock last week.
Has this sea animal got arms or legs?
Yes, it has.
Have these sea animals got arms or legs?
Yes , they do.
Have these sea animals got arms or legs?
No, they have not.
What animal is this?
it's a seahorse.
What animal is this?
it's a Crab
What animal is this?
it's a whale
What animal is this?
it's an eel
What animals are these?
They're penguins.
What animal is this?
it's a dolphin
What animal is this?
it's a Starfish
What animal is this?
it's a Jellyfish
What animal is this?
it's a shark.
What animal is this?
it's an octopus.