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Mid-autumn Festival
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Whe's the moon rabbit?
It's on the moon.
There are 40 students in my class. Each of the students hasve 2 moon cakes. How many moon cakes do we have?
(There are) eighty-80 moon cakes.
Choose the right day: A. 15 September B. 15 August
B. 15 August (Rằm tháng tám)
Do you have moon cakes for mid-autumn festival?
Yes, we/I do./ No, we/I don't.
Do you have a mask for mid-autumn festival?
Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
Who is he?
He's the moon boy.
Who is she?
She's the moon lady.
What is it called?
Lion dance
What are these?
These are lanterns.
What festival is this?
It's mid-autumn festival