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The Not So Big Bad Wolf

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 Private  Unlisted  Public

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The woodsman was ---.
Students' own answers.
The grandma was ---.
Students' own answers.
The wolf was ---.
Students' own answers.
Red Riding Hood was ---.
Students' own answers.
At the end, was the wolf happy?
Yes, he was.
Who wrote the letter to the wolf?
Red Riding Hood wrote the letter.
Are the wolf and grandma same?
No, they aren't. Because, the wolf has got big ears, eyes and teeth.
Are all the wolves bad? Why?
Students' own answers.
What have you learnt from the book?
Students' own answers.
Who is your favorite character? Why
Students' own answers.
Why did the woodsman get angry with the wolf?
Because, he was with Red Riding Hood. / Because, he thought that the wolf wanted to eat her.
Did the woodsman listen to the wolf?
No, he didn't
Why did the wolf wear grandma's clothes?
Because, Red Riding Hood was coming.
When grandma saw the wolf, what did she do?
She ran into the forest. / She escaped the house.
Was the wolf good or bad?
He was good. / He wasn't fierce.
Did the wolf find the girl in the forest?
No, he didn't.
When did Red Riding Hood get lost?
She got lost, while she was picking the flowers.
Did the wolf and Red Riding Hood pick flowers?
Yes, they did.
Was the wolf fierce?
No, he wasn't.
Where did Red Riding Hood see the wolf?
She saw him in the forest.
Where did the grandma live?
She lived in a cottage.