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Intro to Algebra Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does 8c mean?
8 times c
What does x/4 mean?
x divided by 4
Thirty students are having lunch on a field trip. Hamburgers cost $6 and burritos cost $7. If 18 students ordered hamburgers and the rest order burritos, how much money was spent on burritos?
For a=2 and b=1, Ms. Watkins substituted into 3a - 2b and got 11, what did she do wrong?
She didn't put () when she substituted. She did 32 - 21 instead of 3(2) - 2(1).
Ms. Graves simplified 3x + 8 + 5x and got 16x, what did she do wrong?
She combined all the terms but 8 isn't a like term.
Mr. T solved 8 + 2(3 + 1) and got 40. What did he do wrong?
He added 8 + 2 before doing 2(4).
What are the terms in 4q + 3c - 2 + j
4q, 3c, -2 and j
Which number is smaller? - 5 or - 7
Evaluate 6(b + 2) - 4 when b = 3
What does EQ stand for on our notes?
Essential Question
In Spongebob, what is Mr. Krabbs' daughter's name?
How many teeth in a normal adult mouth? A) 20 B) 32 C) 36 D) 28
B) 32
Evaluate |12|
What is Peppa Pig's brother's name?
What are the 4 parts of the Wildcat Way?
Involved, Self Directed, Respect, Self Control
In an algebraic expression what seperates terms?
Plus and Minus Signs
What is a variable?
A letter that represents an unknown number.
What is a coefficient?
The number being multiplied by a variable.
Evaluate 9 + p when p = - 3
Evaluate 6 - x when x = - 2
Show -3 + 2 on a number line.
Bottom arrow 0 to -3, top arrow -3 to -1.
Evaluate 7 - 4p/c when p = 3 and c = 6
Evaluate -2d + 6c - p when d = 4, c = -2 and p = -1
Evaluate 5 - g/3 when g = 15
Simplify -2(3c - 1)
-6c + 2
Simplify 4(2x + 3y + z)
8x + 12y +4z
You are saving for a new gaming console that costs $500. If you earn $20/hour then how many hours do you need to work?
25 hours
If you read for an hour and a half at a rate of 36 pages per hour, how many pages do you read?
What is the constant in 5m + 4?
Evaluate 8 + w/4 when w = -16
Evaluate 4 - 2(3 - 5) + 6
Simplify 4c + 2x + 5c + 2
9c + 2x + 2
Simplify 5x + 8 + 2x + x
8x + 8
Evaluate 3a + 4 - 2b when a = 5 and b = -1
Evaluate 2b + 5c when b = 4 and c = 3
What is the coefficient of 7x?
How many terms are in the expression -3x + 2b - 4 + 5c