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Bible Trivia

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Who asked Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, to take Jesus' deceased body off the cross?
Joseph of Arimathea (Who was he?)
Fill in the blank: "Before the ___ crows, you will disown Me three times."
Rooster (Who is talking to who?)
Matthew was a...
Tax collector
Why did God send plagues on Egypt?
Because the pharaoh refused to release the Israelites from their enslavement
At What Age Did Moses Die?
How Many People Did Jesus Feed With Five Loaves Of Bread And Two Fish?
5000 men
After Noah Got Off The Boat, What Sign Did God Give To Showed His Promise To Never Flood The World Again?
What Instrument Did David Play?
How Many Pieces Of Silver Did Joseph’s Brothers Receive From Joseph’s Sale Into Slavery?
What Is The Name Of The Wood Noah Used In Building His Ark?
At Which Place Did Jesus’ Crucifixion Take Place?
What Four Books Tell About Jesus’ Life On Earth?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
How Many Days Did God Take To Create The World?
Through What Did God Speak To Moses In The Desert?
A burning bush.
Who Were Adam And Eve’s Three Sons Listed In The Bible?
Cain, Abel, Seth
How Many Plagues Did God Send On Egypt?
Who Is The Author Of The Book Of Revelation?
Where Did Jesus Grow Up After Returning From Egypt?
The Total Number Of Years The Israelite Spent In Captivity in Egypt Is?
430 years
After Jesus was arrested, which apostle denied knowing Him 3 times?
What Was Ruth’s Husband Called?
What Is The Longest Verse In The Bible?
Esther 8:9
What Is The Last Word Of The Bible?
Whose Example Does Paul Say Christians Should Follow In Chapter 5 Of Ephesians?
According To The Gospels, Which Literary Genre Does Jesus Implement To Help Preach His Message?
Parables (Do you know what a parable is?)
What Is The Shortest Verse In The Bible?
John 11:35 “Jesus wept.” (Do you know why?)
In the Gospel of Mark, how does the Virgin Mary learn of her pregnancy?
From the archangel Gabriel