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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is type of this fish?
Type of this fish is Koi
What is the name of this cube?
Gan 11 M Pro UV Coated
This is a Animal, It like to roll around and it fat too. What is it?
A Panda
This is a Animal, It say Moew Moew. What is it?
A Cat
What is this name of this game?
You have more 5 point
What is this case?
Case OLL number 7
What is this case?
Case OLL number 2
What is this one?
Moon festival cake box
What is this case?
Case OLL number 4
What is this case?
This is case PLL letter Ua
What is this case?
This is case PLL letter Ub
What is this case in Rubik cube?
Case OLL number 3
What is this cube?
Gan XS
It live in Ocean, It friendly, It is a fish. What Is it?
A dolphin
It is a fish, but it very big, It live in the Ocean. What is it?
It can be any picture, It hard, What is it?
It hold flower. What is it?
A pots
It brown, It like grass, It in the ground. What is it?
It green, It short, It in the ground. What is it?
You can sit on it, It put on a chair. What is it?
That can decoration in your table, it like a tree, What is it?
A flower
That have brown and green, It can have a flower or no, It is...?
A tree
You put food, book, flower... It call?
A Table
You will sit on it to eat , It call?
A Chair
When you eat something in the morning it call?
What name of this fish?
Cục Thang
What name of this fish?
What name of this fish?
What name of this fish?
Bạch Tuyết
What name of this fish?
What name of this fish?
Orange fruit
You have more 20 point
You have more 25 point
What is this one?
Spidernet, Spiderweb
What name of this one?
Fish pool