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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It can keep you cool. What is it?
A fan
It is a table. But it help we do homework on it, That call ?
A desk
It's something that can be placed on the floor
A rug
It is a pet? It sound woof woof
A dog, puppy
It in garden, it is a flower have color is red. What name of it?
Did you know, in your house maybe have this one. It can have sound like a song. What is it ?
A piano
it is a room, It can made you play in that, but not Livingroom, It can be your. What is that room?
The Bedroom
It can watch, can play, can do Power point. It biger than the phone, It biger than the Ipad, it smaller than the Tivi. What is it?
A Computer, laptop.
It can play game, facebook. It big more than a phone, but small more than a Tivi?
A Ipad
It like a room, but not really a room. It can help you relax or play if you are tired?
The livingroom
That can open and close. What is it ?
A door
What mean of PARAGRAPH ?
It like a long sentense made a paragraph
It can help you sleep well ?
A bed
It's a thing to keep warm?
A blanket
It's something that can hold?
A cabinet