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Human Body Trivia

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false, the ears and nose never stops growing
True or false, The tongue is a muscle
What is the strongest muscle in the human body?
The jaw
What part of the human body is made out of the same substance as a Rhino Horn?
Hair and nails
True or false, the ears are responsible for keeping your balance
What is the name of the bone which surrounds our brain?
The skull
What is the part of the human eye responsible for focusing what we see.
The lens
What to you call the coloured part of the human eye?
The iris
Name the biggest organ in the human body
What is the name of the cage of bones surrounding your abdomen?
The rib cage
Name the organs responsible for filtering water in your body.
What is it called when water comes out of your body after exercise?
How many teeth should an adult have, including the wisdom teeth.
True or false, Humans have a Tail Bone.
True, it is called the coccyx
What is the name of the series of bones in the back responsible for holding a person upright.
The spine
What happens to the heart when a person runs?
The heart-rate increases.
Where in the body are the lungs located?
The chest
What is the organ responsible for thinking
The brain.
Name the organ responsible for digestion.
What is the name of the organ which pumps blood?
The heart