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Matewan Massacre and The Battle of Blair Mountai ...

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Black Americans from the Deep South, immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe and locals from Appalachia all worked in the coal mines: True or False?
List one of the things workers have today that the miners were fighting for?
A minimum wage, end to child labor, 40-hour work week, health benefits, safety regulations, overtime pay, ability to unionize
What did the government charge some of the leaders of the miners with after Blair Mountain?
Treason, murder and conspiracy. They were found not guilty.
What was the word for when mining companies threw miners/tenants out of their homes?
Give one reason the miners were marching to Blair Mountain:
To free fellow miners, end martial law, unionize jobs in the county.
Airplanes, machine guns and Tommy guns were all used in the Battle of Blair Mountain: True or False?
Who was the president of the United States during the Battle of Blair Mountain?
Warren G. Harding
How many people died in the Matewan Massacre? 5, 10, 20, 100?
10, including 7 Baldwin-Felts agents and the mayor of Matewan
Was Matewan considered a coal "company" town?
A West Virginian working in a coal mine was more likely to die than one fighting in World War I: True or False?
Many people moved from farms to the city to work in factories during what "revolution?"
What was the name of the county where sheriff Don Chafin was from?
What happened first: The Matewan Massacre or the Battle of Blair Mountain?
Matewan Massacre, 1920
Workers would join one of these to try to improve their bargaining power as a group.
Labor union
Many of the marching miners were veterans of what war?
World War I
What did the miners dig out of the mountains?
What was the Bull Moose Special?
The name of the train that fired machine guns into miners on strike.
Why were miners in the battle called "rednecks"
They wore red bandannas to identify themselves.
Form of "money" miners had to use in a company town.
The Mine Wars we discussed took place in what U.S. state?
West Virginia
Matewan police chief who supported the miners and was assassinated.
Sid Hatfield