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American Revolution
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What was the last battle of the Revolutionary War?
Siege of Yorktown
Name one founding father.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, James Monroe, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison
What was one major battle in the Revolutionary War?
Battle of Lexington and Concord, Battle of Bunker Hill, Battle of Trenton, Battle of Saratoga, Battle of Cowpens, Battle of Yorktown
Why was Valley Forge important to the Revolutionary War?
training center for the Americans in the winter
What is the Declaration of Independence?
listed the reasons why the colonies were declaring independence from Britain
What was one weakness of the Americans?
many soldiers were not trained properly, not many supplies, less soldiers
What was one strength of the Americans?
knew the land well, motivated by independence/better life, France helped them, strong leaders
What was one weakness of the British?
did not know the land, not used to guerilla warfare, bad communication, Parliament did not support the war, bad leaders
What was one strength of the British?
best army in the world, well supplied
What was a patriot?
want freedom from British rule; most colonists are patriots
What was a loyalist?
loyal (support) to the British
What was the first battle in the Revolutionary War?
Battle of Lexington and Concord
What was a minuteman?
colonists who protected their communities and had to be ready at a minute's notice
Why were the Americans revolting against the British?
independence, religious freedom, taxation without representation
Who was fighting in the Revolutionary War?
British and American colonists
What was the Boston Tea Party?
Bostonians snuck aboard ships holding British tea and threw it overboard
What was the Boston Massacre?
riot between American colonists and British over taxation without representation
What was the Quartering Act?
made the colonists responsible for paying for and providing housing for the British
What was the Stamp Act?
tax on newspapers, books, papers, legal documents, dice, and playing cards
What was the Sugar Act?
taxed sugar and molasses
What are taxes?
required “contributions” to the state you live in, and to the federal government
Who fought in the French and Indian War?
George Washington
What war involved the French, Native Americans, and British?
The French and Indian War