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Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Contin ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I (have) ____a break ____ more than 4 hours.
haven`t had / FOR
I (see) _____ John ____ his birthday party.
haven`t seen / SINCE
They (be) ____ married _____ 10 years.
have been / FOR
I (look) ______ for this book _____ a long time. I will finally buy it.
have been looking / FOR
You need to rest. You (drive) ___ we left the city. It is like 20 hours!
have been driving / SINCE
A: How long (prepare) _______for the next marathon?
have you been preparing
A: You look tired! What is going on? B: I (run) ____ 5:00 am.
have been running / SINCE
A: Sorry I am late. B: No worries, I (watch) ______ that man playing guitar a long time.
have been watching / FOR
I (like) ______ History and Maths ____ I was young
have liked / SINCE
I (cycle) _____ around Europe ____ a month, I am tired!
have been cycling / FOR
Tom (be) ______asleep ____ 13 hours.
has been / FOR
Steve and Kathy (be)____ together ____ two weeks.
have been / FOR
How long (know) _________ Tony?
have you known
We (have) ____ this dog ___ 3 years.
have had / FOR
She (be) ______ a teacher _____ 1998
has been / SINCE
Danny (learn) _____ Spanish ____ he was ten.
has been learning / SINCE
I (learn) ________tennis _____ two years.
have been learning / FOR
How long (wait) _________?
have you been waiting
I (love) _____ chocolate ______ I was a child.
have loved / SINCE
I (have) ____ the same car ____ more than ten years
have had/FOR
I (be)________ here _____ two hours. It’s now o’clock.
have been/FOR
He (fish) _____ six o'clock.
has been fishing / SINCE
It (be) _____ some days.
has been / FOR
Nobody (see) _____ him ______ last Friday.
has seen / SINCE