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They ………………………….. out once a week. (eat)
Please don’t make so much noise. I (try) ..................... to work.
am trying
………………………….. your parents …………………………..with your decision? (agree)
Do / agree
Tom…………………………..vegetables. (not eat)
doesn't eat
My father always ……………………..delicious meals. (make)
TLS: Are you do homework right now?
do -> doing
TLS: Noah is tries very hard for the upcoming exam.
tries -> trying
TLS: What does your elder sister doing?
does -> is
TLS: Claire’s parents is very friendly and helpful.
is -> are
TLS: How often does she goes shopping in the supermarket?
goes ->go
TLS: Bui Tien Dung am a famous goalkeeper in the National Football Team.
am -> is
Tìm lỗi sai: I often gets up early to catch the bus to go to work.
gets -> get
Who (do) ................................the washing in your house?
Keep silent! You (talk) ………………….. so loudly.
are talking
It’s 12 o’clock, and my parents (cook) ………………….. lunch in the kitchen.
are cooking
I (not stay) ………………….. at home at the moment.
am not staying
He (not work) ………………….. in his office now.
isn't working
At present they (travel) ………………….. to New York.
are travelling
Listen! Someone (cry) ………………….. in the next room.
is crying
Be careful! The car (go) ………………….. so fast.
is going
Where ................................ your father ................................? (work)
does/ work
Susie………………………….shopping every week. (go)
Charlie…………………………..eggs. (not eat)
doesn't eat
My mom always ................................delicious meals. (make)