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Blood Types

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I have antigens A and B in my blood then I have antibody ______
If I don't have any antigens on my red blood cells then I have antibody ______
A and B
If I have antigen A then I have antibody _______
How many chambers (rooms) does the heart have?
What is the smallest blood vessel?
What is the biggest blood vessel?
Which blood types can B- donate to?
B-, and AB-, B+, AB+
Is it "okay" if a pregnant woman has blood type O+, and her husband is B-?
No, it's not "okay", she'll have to get an injection so her husband's blood doesn't try and kill her.
Which blood types can A- receive from?
0-, A-
What blood types can AB+ receive?
All of them
Which blood types can AB- donate to?
AB-, AB+
Which blood types can 0- donate to?
All of them
What blood types can 0- receive?
0- only