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Week 9 Review
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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell me about your hobbies and interests when you were a child. Use "used to"
For example: I used to play video games with my younger brother.
What are plans after class? Use "be + going to"
For example: I am going to celebrate the end of my exams.
Make a prediction about the future using "will" or "might"
For example: It might rain tomorrow.
Make a Present Continuous sentence using "at the moment"
For example: I'm playing phone games at the moment.
Make a Past Simple sentence using "last week"
For example: I had a driving test last week.
Make a Present Simple sentence using "everyday"
For example: I do my homework everyday.
What are 3 synonyms for "Advantages"
For example: benefits, positives, pros
What are 3 synonyms for "Disadvantages"?
For example: drawbacks, challenges, problems, issues, cons
Make a Superlative sentence about a city.
For example: Melbourne is one of the most liveable cities in the world.
Make a Superlative sentence about your classmates.
For example: Yuyu is the youngest student in the class.
Make a Comparative sentence: compare TWO of your classmates!
For example: Student A has longer hair than Student B.
Make a Comparative sentence: Dogs VS Cats
For example: Dogs are more obedient than cats.
Complete the following First Conditional sentence: If I ___ (do) my homework everyday, I...
If I do my homework everyday, I will...
Complete the following First Conditional sentence: If I ___ (go) to bed early, I...
If I go to bed early, I will...
Complete the following Second Conditional sentence: If I ____ (am) a superhero, I...
If I was/were a superhero, I would...
Complete the following Second Conditional sentence: If I ____ (win) a million dollars, I....
If I won a million dollars, I would...