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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does this piano toy need a battery to sound?
No, it doesn't. It's an acoustic piano toy.
Is this keyboard an acoustic or electric instrument?
It is an electric instrument and needs electricity to be heard!
Is the grand piano acoustic or electric?
It is acoustic!
Is the harpsichord an electric instrument?
No, it's not! It was invented long time before electricity!
What kind of bass is this?
It's an electric bass.
What kind of bass instrument is this? Electronic or acoustic?
It's an acoustic bass or contrabass.
What kind of guitar is this?
It's an acoustic guitar!
Is this an acoustic guitar?
No, it's not! It's an electric guitar!
Are flutes originally electric instruments?
No, they aren't. Flutes were one of the first instruments of the world. In the beggining they were made of bones, and they now have a beautiful acoustic sound!
Do saxophones need electronic amplifiers to be heard?
No, they don't. They sound pretty well acoustically.
Is this an electric drum?
No, it's not! It's an acoustic drum!
Are these percussion instruments acoustic or electric?
They are all acoustic instruments!
Is this drum acoustic or electric?
This is an electric drum!
Is this violin an acoustic or electric instrument?
This is an electric violin!
Is the mixer an acoustic or electronic musical device?
The mixer is an electronic device!
Is the ukulele an acoustic or electric instrument?
The ukulele is an acoustic string instrument!