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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When I need a break during Java Dog, I can...
Find a seat!
What is one snack we have at Java Dog?
Potato chips
Who says "please pay the cashier?"
the greeter
How do we give the customer their order?
We can show the customer their order, we can say "here you go!"
How can we greet a customer at the Java Dog?
We can wave, smile, say "hello", give a fist bump
What do we sell at Java dog?
coffee and other snacks
Who works at the Java Dog?
On what days do we have Java Dog?
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Where will we have Java Dog?
Still Middle School!
Does Mrs. Brynda like coffee?
Where does Mrs. T like to get her coffee?
What does Java mean?
What is a keurig?
Coffee machine
What is a K-cup
Small pod of coffee
What is a customer?
Person who buys coffee, tea, or something else
How can I ask for help from a teacher if I need it?
I can say "help please!" 
What is a greeter?
Person who says hello and goodbye to customer
What is a server?
Person who gives the customers their drink
What is a cashier?
Person who collects money from customers
What is a barista?
Person who makes the drinks