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Chapter 3 The 13 Colonies Review

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Why was the settlement of Georgia thought of as an experiment?
Other colonies were founded for profit or religious freedom. Georgia’s founders envisioned a colony where debtors and the poor could make a new start.
How did William Penn encourage diversity in Pennsylvania?
He based his colony on Quaker doctrine, stating all people were equal in the eyes of God. He accepted religious minorities. He bought land from the Natives.
Summarize the events that led to King Philip’s War.
1) Plymouth took Wampanoag guns 2) Sassamon warns colonists of attack 3) Sassamon found dead 4) 3 Wampanoag hanged for his death 5) Metacom raid 52 towns.
Contrast and compare the governing style of the Puritans in Massachusetts and Roger Williams in Rhode Island.
Puritans - required people to attend church, punished church rule breakers. RW - based his colony on the idea that the church and state should be kept separate
Why did King George II allow James Oglethorpe to establish the colony of Georgia?
Georgia could be a military barrier between Spanish Florida and South Carolina.
What did King Charles I’s charter grant to George Calvert?
the right to establish a colony called Maryland
Why did the Iroquois move west in the mid-1600s?
to gain greater access to the beavers in the region
Why did the Algonquian tribes move each season?
to follow the supply of food
What made Pennsylvania different from the other colonies?
It was an extremely diverse society
Why were female property owners seen as threatening to the people of Salem?
Salem residents thought women owning property challenged Puritan gender roles.
How did the Pilgrims recover after their first deadly winter in Massachusetts?
Native Americans taught them how to fish and grow crops.
What happened as a result of the marriage between John Rolfe and Pocahontas?
The Jamestown colonists and the Powhatan lived in peace for a number of years.
Why did King James I issue a charter to the Virginia Company?
to detail the company’s rights and privileges in settling the colonies
Why was Georgia returned to Great Britain in 1752?
Its rules were too strict for the colony to thrive.
What advantage made Maryland economically successful?
its location on the Chesapeake Bay
Why did the Mohawk support the British in battle?
The Mohawk and the British relied on each other as trading partners.
What was one source of tension in the Middle Colonies in the 1600s?
historical tensions between the Algonquian and the Iroquois peoples
How did William Penn keep peace with Native Americans in the region?
He purchased land from Native Americans.
What led to the settlement of New Netherland?
Dutch merchants establishing a base for trade
What evidence condemned men and women during the Salem witch trials?
accusations from village authorities and villagers
What role did John Sassamon play in King Philip’s War?
He warned colonists of a Wampanoag attack and was later found dead.
Why did the Plymouth government force the Wampanoag to surrender their guns in 1671?
Tensions were rising between colonists and Native Americans.
What did Thomas Hooker, Roger Williams, and Anne Hutchinson have in common?
They all disagreed with the New England Way.
Why did the Pilgrims write and sign the Mayflower Compact?
They realized that they would be landing in a place without a colonial government
How did religion impact the settlement of Plymouth, Massachusetts?
Separatists established the colony to freely practice their religion.
What are economic activities?
actions that involve the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
What are raw materials?
the basic substances and elements used to make products
What is a material or substance found in nature that can be used to sustain a society or exploited for economic gain, such as minerals, water, living things called?
a natural resource
What is a colony ruled by a monarch through an appointed governor called?
a royal colony
What is a creek, stream, or river that flows into a larger river or other body of water called?
a tributary
What is a proprietor?
a person with ownership of a colony, including the right to manage and distribute land and to establish government
What is the refusal to take sides or become involved called?
What is an agreement among several groups, states, or governments to protect and support one another in battle or other endeavors called?
a confederacy
What is an alliance?
an agreement between nations to fight each other’s enemies or otherwise collaborate; a partnership
What is a principle or set of beliefs accepted by a group called?
a doctrine
What was King Philip's War?
a violent conflict between Native Americans and English colonists from New England, who were aided by Native American allies
What does banish mean?
to send away as punishment, usually without hope of return
What is the a founding document of the Connecticut colony that listed 11 laws and stood as the framework for governing the colony called?
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
What was the Mayflower Compact?
shipboard contract signed by the Pilgrims on the Mayflower before they landed in N.America binding them to abide by their own laws and establish a civil society
What is a person in the 16th and 17th centuries who wished to leave the Church of England called?
a person in the 16th and 17th centuries who wished to leave the Church of England
What is a dissenter?
a person who strongly disagrees with official policy
Compare and contrast the original settlers of Jamestown with those who arrived after 1612.
Similar: to gain wealth, mercantilism Different: temporary/permanent colony, early settlers couldn't fish, hunt, farm, relations with Natives differed
Why did William Berkeley accuse Nathaniel Bacon of being a traitor?
because Bacon challenged Berkeley’s and wealthy planters' power
How did the prices of tobacco and land lead to tension between colonists during the late 1600s?
The low tobacco prices made it difficult for landless men to afford high land prices.
What was the underlying cause for the wars between the colonists and the Powhatan between 1622 and 1670?
Both groups laid claim to the same land
Why did the original settlers at Jamestown struggle to establish their colony?
They had little experience farming, hunting, or fishing.
Why did the Virginia Company encourage people to settle in the American colonies?
to farm tobacco
What is one reason England established colonies in America?
England wanted a guaranteed source of gold and precious metals.
What is a written grant establishing an institution and detailing members’ rights and privileges?
a charter
What is a joint-stock company?
a company whose shareholders own stock in the company
What do you call a person who betrays his or her own people, nation, or cause?
a tratior
What is an indentured servant?
a person under contract to work, usually without pay, in exchange for free passage to the colonies