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This is the visual representation with recommended physical activities. P _ _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P _ _ _ _ _ _
Physical Activity Pyramid
Call 2 of your groupmates. Hold the plank position for 20 seconds.
(do the task)
Do 10 reps each leg.
(do the task)
Pretend to carry a ball. Do 8 reps going to the left. Do 8 reps going to the right.
(do the task)
Call 2 of your groupmates. Do 3 push ups.
(do the task)
Do 10 pairs of side to side hops.
(do the task)
Do head rotations. 5 counterclockwise. 5 clockwise.
(do the task)
Do 5 pairs of curtsy lunges.
(do the task)
Call a partner and do the butt kicks.
(do the task)
Person's ability to move fast.
Give me the 5 health-related components.
cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and body composition
Power is measured by this test.
Standing Long Jump
This component is measured by Stork Stand Test.
(Agitate - tate) + (capability - capabi)
What is the test to measure reaction time?
Stick Drop Test / Ruler Drop
Person's ability to do two things at the same time.
Give me all the skill-related components.
agility, balance, coordination, speed, reaction time, power