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World History A Unit 6 Test Review

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Much of the English language includes roots, prefixes and suffixes stemming from Greek language. True or False?
This means sun-centered. Proposed by Aristarchus, an astronomer.
Heliocentric - not popular - many felt everything revolved around Earth
These stories told of human suffering usually ending in disaster.
Greek tragedies - Greeks wanted to stir up emotions and release them
This is one of the most well known examples of Greek architecture - it was built for the goddess Athena.
The Parthenon - columns and symmetry are evident as well.
One of the responsibilities of Athenians was to serve on one of these, which included 12 members deciding on a legal case.
This term means law making body of government.
These are paintings created on wet plaster using watercolors.
Which aspects of Mycenaean civilization came from the Minoans? Religious beliefs or writing system?
Writing System
The word philosopher combines two Greek words: philos, meaning "loving" and sophos, meaning "wise" True or False?
Greeks were known for using columns in many of their buildings. The columns helped with support and reflected important Greek ideas of harmony, beauty and order. True or False?
The success of the Minoans was based on conquest, not trade. True or False?
False - based on successful trade
This Greek physician is responsible for creating an oath that sets ethical standards for doctors today. Hippocrates or Socrates?
Hippocrates - the Hippocratic Oath
Archimedes is responsible for engineering innovations that we still use today for irrigation. True or False?
True! The mechanical pump - lifted water to higher levels.
This mathematician created a formula to calculate the relationship between the sides of a right triangle. Pythagoras or Socrates?
During Alexander the Great's leadership local people assimilated Greek ideas and adopted local customs in acquired territories. True or False?
Socrates taught by posing a series of questions to students or citizens, challenging them to examine their responses. True or False?
This gov't is led by a privileged minority or upper class. Monarchy or Aristocracy?
This gov't is where ruling power belongs to a few people. Aristocracy or Oligarchy?
This type of gov't is where the people hold the ruling power.
A play that mocked people or social customs is called a comedy. True or False?
This gov't is where a king or queen holds central power. Monarchy or Oligarchy?