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Eleven Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How did Alex show that he is responsible?
He took care of Nunu, He cared for Radar when he was injured, He left money for the bakery he took food from
Does Alex get to keep Radar?
Which character does not return home?
Mac's son Bobby
This character loves dogs, planes and making deals with the universe.
What does Alex bring Mac at the end of the novel?
a piece of cake
Who is Mac waiting for?
his son Bobby
How does Alex first meet Mac?
Mac lived next door to where Radar used to live.
What does Alex's dad do?
he drive the train at the World Trade Center
What is the dog's name?
What does Alex spot when he is on the bus on the way to school?
a dog
What present does Alex want more than anything?
a dog
Who first tells Alex about the attacks?
The vet
Who is the Man in the White Shirt?
Alex's Dad
This character is is a nurse at the hospital.
ALex's mom
What important historical event occurs in the story?
The attacks on the World Trade Center
What date does the story begin on?
September 10th