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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I like to watched films before I sleep
INCORRECT - I like to watc films before I sleep
I can rode my bike faster than my brother
INCORRECT - I can ride my biked faster than my brother
I eat 4 apples yesterday
INCORRECT - I ate 4 apples yesterday
I go to the beach last summer
INCORRECT - I went to the beach last summer
I wasn't play with my friends because it was raining
INCORRECT - I didn't play with my friends because it was raining
Do you like to watched long films?
INCORRECT - Do you like to watch long films?
She am very tall
INCORRECT - She is very tall
How is your summer holiday?
INCORRECT - How was your summer holiday?
I go school yesterday
INCORRECT - I went school yesterday
They is playing video games last night
INCORRECT - They weren't playing video games last night
He weren't listening to his teacher
INCORRECT - He wasn't listening to his teacher
I not go to school at the weekend
INCORRECT - I don't go to school at the weekend
I tired in the morning
INCORRECT - I am tired in the morning
I didn't played football yesterday
INCORRECT - I did't play football yesterday
I ride my bike last weekend
INCORRECT - I rode my bike last weekend
When do the film start?
INCORRECT - When did the film start?
Do you ride your bike yesterday?
INCORRECT - Did you ride your bike yeserday?