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Scaled Drawings Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the actual area?
d) 2,500 square feet
If this rectangle is enlarged using a scale factor of 4, what will the new area be?
640 square cm
If this rectangle is enlarged using a scale factor of 4, what will the new perimeter be?
112 cm
A blueprint was made with a scale 1 in = 5 ft. How can we represent this without units? (HINT: units must be the same on both sides!)
1 in = 60 in
When the scale factor is EQUAL TO 1, the scaled copy will be __________ the original.
the same as
When the scale factor is SMALLER than 1, the scaled copy will be __________ than the original.
When the scale factor is BIGGER than 1, the scaled copy will be __________ than the original.
Are the figures similar (scaled copies)?
Yes- all corresponding angles are congruent and all corresponding sides have the same scale factor.
Are the figures similar (scaled copies)?
No; the corresponding sides do not have the same scale factor.
Corresponding side lengths in similar figures must have the same scale factor. True or false?
Corresponding angles in similar figures do not have to be congruent. True or False?
How tall is the taller tree?
16 1/3 ft or 16.33 ft
Find the perimeter of the larger shape.
Find the side length of DE
DE = 3 1/3 cm
Find the value of x.
9 cm
Find the value of x.
30 yd
Here is a scale drawing of one of Charlotte's parks created with a scale 1cm=8ft. What is the area of the actual park?
1,488 square feet
Lorenzo is 5 feet tall and casts a 3 foot long shadow. If the flagpole casts a 20 foot shadow, how tall is the flag pole?
33 1/3 ft or 33.33 ft
Kora draws a blueprint of her tree house and 10 foot ladder to get in. In her blueprint, the ladder is 8 inches tall. What scale did she use for her blueprint?
1in = 1 1/4 ft (or 1.25)
If a model of this labrador is made using a scale of 3in = 1ft, how tall with the model be if the dog is 3'4" tall?
10 in
Find the actual distance.
495 miles
Find the scale factor from the image on the left to the image on the right.
4.67 or 4 2/3
Find the scale factor from the image on the left to the image on the right.
2.5 or 2 1/2
Fill in the blank.
scaled copy