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Folk songs of Luzon

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The distinctive quality of musical sound, voice or instrument.
The speed at which music is played; often indicated on written compositions by a descriptive or metronome mark.
It is the highness and lowness of tones.
This is the overall structure of a musical composition
Element of music that refers to loudness and softness of sound.
__________ is a Bicolano Folksong that tells about one evening a man thought he was dreaming but opened his eyes and saw his love’s radiant face.
__________ is a Tagalog Folksong that tells the story of the farmers labouring during planting season..
Magtanim ay Di Biro
__________ is an Ilocano Folksong asking forgiveness from his love for telling humorous jokes but his love is real and not merely a joke.
__________ is a Kapampangan Folksong that tells about a ring inherited from her mother but got lost and whoever finds it will inherit her heart.
Atin Cu Pung Singsing
The songs passed down orally from generation to generation is called ________