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STARLIGHT 2 Vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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EASY: Name 6 words for dishes
bowl, plate, fork, knife...
HARD: Name 6 parts of animals' bodies
fur, claws, feathers, wings...
EASY: Name 10 animals
parrot, tortoise, cat, donkey...
MEDIUM: Name 6 hobby objects
scooter, skateboard, fishing net, jump rope...
EASY: Name 9 everyday activities
sleeping, eating, drinking, drawing...
MEDIUM: Name 6 personal objects
radio, phone, glasses, watch...
MEDIUM: Name 10 items of furniture
bathtub, sofa, mirror, bed...
MEDIUM: Name 6 things you can see at the park
bench, fence, statue, path...
HARD: Name 10 musical instruments and their groups (wind/percussion/string)
guitar (strong), drums (percussion), recorder (wind)...
EASY: Name 6 items of clothing
shorts, sandals, sunglasses, gloves, boots, cap
MEDIUM: Name 6 things you can see in the garden
leaf, pond, frog, flower, bush, bee
MEDIUM: Name 7 rooms and parts of the house
kitchen, hall, garden, dining room...
HARD: Name 4 countries from our book
China, Brazil, Ghana, Spain
HARD: Name 10 emotions
angry, dizzy, bored, tired, sad...
EASY: Name 6 descriptions for people
old, pretty, young, tall...
EASY: Name 4 seasons and their weather
It's sunny and hot in summer, it's windy in fall, it's cold in winter...
HARD: Name 12 months in the alphabetical order!
April, August, December, February, January, July, June, March, May, November, October, September.
EASY: Name 8 items of food
jam, chicken, bread, ice cream, rice...