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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Having lots of money
To become real
Come true - came true
A streak of light in the night sky
Shooting Star
A strong feeling that you want to have something
What are some wishes that would be helpful for your family?
Wishing for ... would help my family.
What are some wishes that could be helpful for the world?
Wishing for ... would help the world.
What are some wishes that could be helpful for your school?
Wishing for ... would be helpful for my school.
What are some popular wishes?
I think people wish for...
How can you make a wish?
I can make a wish on...
Can you name three ways to make a wish?
Wish on a shooting star, birthday candles, wishing wells, etc.
Do you wish you could be tall?
Yes, I wish that I could... No, I don't wish that I could...
Do you wish you could be strong?
Yes, I wish that I could... No, I don't wish that I could...
Do you wish you could be smart?
Yes, I wish that I could... No, I don't wish that I could...
Do you wish that you could be famous?
Yes, I wish that I could... No, I don't wish that I could...
Do you wish you could have money?
Yes, I wish I could... No, I don't wish that I could...
What are some wishes that people have?
Some people wish they could...