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that can be trusted to do something well; that you can rely on. A. RELIABLE; B. DECISIVE; C. SELF-RELIANT; D. DETERMINED
capable of doing or deciding things by yourself, rather than depending on other people for help. A. WELL-INFORMED; B. RELIABLE; C. SELF-RELIANT; D. CONFIDENT
able to make decisions quickly A. WELL-INFORMED; B. DECISIVE; C. SELF-RELIANT; D. CONFIDENT
strongly motivated to do something and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you A. WELL-INFORMED; B. DECISIVE; C. SELF-RELIANT; D. DETERMINED
having a lot of knowledge about current topics or a particular subject A. WELL-INFORMED; B. DECISIVE; C. SELF-RELIANT; D. DETERMINED
feeling certain about your own ability to do things and be successful. A. WELL-INFORMED; B. DECISIVE; C. SELF-RELIANT; D. CONFIDENT
We are looking for someone who is _________ and hard-working. A. SELFISH; B. RELIABLE
Climate was a ______ factor in establishing where the tournament should be held. A. DECISIVE; B. RELIABLE