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Festivals Around the World Trivia

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What did Australian Aboriginals traditionally use kangaroo and possum fur for?
Clothing and warmth.
What do Mexican's specifically use Marigold flowers for during Day of the Dead?
They decorate the graves, bright and happy, luring the spirits to the graves to be with their families.
Why is Day of the Dead bread important?
It represents the deceased children.
When celebrating Day of the Dead, what does the skull represent?
The skull is a symbol of life.
Who was the animal who built a bridge to help rescue the princess in the story of Sita and Rama?
Hanuman - The Monkey King
What are the common rangoli patterns created in India?
Lotus Flower
What is Lakshmi the goddess of?
How many years were Rama and Sita exiled?
What does lighting the diya's at Diwali symbolise?
It symbolises the victory of good over evil.
What are the names of the little clay pots used during Diwali?
What is the name for the designs of beautiful coloured patterns that are on the floor, in India?
What is the Festival of Lights called?
What are the single serve takeaway food boxes called?
What is the Japanese art of paper folding called?
In Japan, should you eat while walking around?
No - it is considered bad manners.
What does 'Sukura' mean?
It means welcome to Spring and is the name of the Japanese Cheery Blossom Festival in Japan.
What are Calaca's?
Skulls or Skeletons that are a very popular Day of the Dead tradition.
What colours are the Mexican flag?
Flag - Green/White/Red
Where is el Día de los Muertos traditionally celebrated?
What does el Día de los Muertos translate to?
Day of the Dead
What music is played at the Byron Bay Boomerang Festival
Blues Music
What is this traditional Indigenous ceremony called?
A Smoking Ceremony
What Australian week long celebration increases awareness about the status and treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.
What is 1 specific food that is traditionally eaten at your birthday?
Birthday Cake