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What technological advancement made it possible to route water to farmlands in need.
Name the 4 river valley civilizations
Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China
Name the 4 river valley civilizations
Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China
Which characteristic was responsible for the different types of products, tools, and decorative items to suggest a people groups way of life?
Which characteristic was responsible for developing metal tools and standardized measurements?
Which characteristic was responsible for keeping track of crops, seasons, trade, and governmental affairs?
Which characteristic was responsible for improving farming practices?
stable food supply
Which characteristic was responsible for ranking people according to their job?
social structure
Which characteristic was responsible for explaining the world around them?
Which characteristic was responsible for control of resources, irrigation, and trade?
Which came first farming or civilizations?
Everyone participates! Name the 7 Characteristics needed to form a civilization
government, religion, stable food supply, technology, culture, writing, and social structure
How did early civilizations develop a stable food supply?
by agriculture or farming
What body of water did Ancient Greece, Rome, and Israel develop around?
Mediterranean Sea
During the barter economy, was a currency exchanged? If so, what kind?
No, only goods and services were exchanged
What material was used to create permanent settlements?
mud bricks
During the AR, settlers made clothes out of __________.
wool and cotton
Hunter gatherers made clothes out of ________.
Animal fur
which came first, farming or bartering?
Which came first, bartering or cultural diffusion?
which came first, specialization or bartering?
Which came first, farming or surplus?
Which came first? Surplus or specialization
What made the agricultural revolution possible? (3 things)
The climate change, plants began to grow, able to domesticate animals
What caused permanent homes to begin developing?
The agricultural revolution
Name 2 tools and 2 weapons made of flint.
tools: axe and hammer weapons: spears and arrows
What weapon and method did H-G use before they made flint weapons
Club, and run them off of cliffs
Name the 5 ways they used fire
light, warmth, cook food, preserve food, and scare away large animals
What was the purpose of h-g having temporary homes?
So they were easily transported with them as they migrated with the animals
Describe the natural shelters that h-g used.
rock overhang, caves, animal skins, and plant materials
Why were h-g considered nomadic
they moved from place to place in search of food
Describe how hunter-gatherers made tools and weapons and with what natural resource?
They would hit flint together and chip off pieces until it was in the shape they wanted. Called pressure flecking