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Lion King animals

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Yuck! What is this busybody?
Dung beetle?
Look at those ears! Name the animals! - Bat-eared foxes - Bunny-eared foxes - Elephant-eared foxes - Foxy ears
Bat-eared foxes ????
What is this small and cute nocturnal primate? - Galago - Lemur - Shrew
Galago aka Bush baby
What on earth is this armored beast? - Armadillo - Porcupine - Hedgehog - Badger
What is the correct term for this prickly guy? - African prickler - Ground grazer - Spiked rat - Crested porcupine
Crested porcupine
What is this bug-eating creature? - Sloth - Armadillo - Giant anteater - Warthog
Giant anteater
What spotted species is shown here?
What is the name of this graceful animal?
These little guys are found near the water. What's their name? -Mice - Moles - Weasels - Shrews
What is the right name for this prey species? - Gazelle - Zebra - Okapi - Antelope
What is this very funny-looking little guy called? - Earth pig - Aardvark - Ground pig - Pig-rat
What is this cousin of the horse called? - African horse - Striped horse - Zebra - Okapi
Striped horse ?
What is this charming little cousin of the domestic dog? - Earthwolf - Earthdog -Aardwolf - Wolfdog
What's this little creature of the same species as Kipling's Rikki-Tikki-Tavi? - Meerkat - Weasel - Mongoose - Stoat
This is a very endangered species. Do you know its name? White rhinoceros Blue rhinoceros Red rhinoceros Big rhinoceros
White one.
Do you recognize this fellow? Skunk Badger Weasel Rat
Nobody messes with this several-ton creature. Do you know its name? Giant boar Warthog Rhinoceros Hippopotamus
You know this is an elephant, but which type is it? Asian elephant African bush elephant African desert elephant Bactrian elephant
African bush elephant
Can you identify this speedy big cat? Cheetah Leopard Panther Tiger
What is this large cattle species? Antelope Buffalo Oryx Highland cow
Remember the stampede? Which animals were running then? Antelopes Gazelles Wildebeests Buffaloes
You see a flock of these birds in the lake. What are they? Flamingos Eagles Vultures Storks
Zazu is one of these birds. What are they called? Turaco Ibis Hornbill Starling
What is Pumbaa, Timon's not-so-brilliant sidekick? - Hippo - Aardvark - Rhino - Warthog
We all remember Timon, but what kind of animal is he? - Shrew - Elephant - Mole-rat - Meerkat
Rafiki is what kind of monkey? - Chimpanzee - Mandrill - Gorilla - Orangutan
This big cat is called... -Tiger - Lion -Panther -Leopard
What are these African predators? -Hyenas - Wolves - Jackals - Dingoes