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In the classroom

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You have your school items in it. It can be heavy. You need it every day. What is it?
You have your school items in it. It can be heavy. You need it every day. What is it?
You cut paper with them. They are sharp. What are they?
You sit on it when you are in the classroom. There are a lot of them in the room. What is it?
You sit at it when you write in your notebook. You have your books and your pencil case on it. What is it?
It needs electricity. It can use the internet. You can type words on it. What is it?
It has got many pages. You can write in it. You use it to learn for a test. What is it?
It is on the wall. THe teacher writes on it. You need to use a marker. It can be green or white. What is it?
blackboard / whiteboard
It is straight. It is used to measure things. You can draw straight lines with it. What is it?
Usually it is white. It can be at the end of a pencil. It can erase your mistakes from a pencil. What is it?
It is long. You use it to write. The words are blue. You cannot erase it. What is it?
It is used for broken pencils. It is sharp. It can make a mess in your pencil case. What is it?
pencil sharpener
It is long. You use it to write. You can also use it to draw. You use it on paper. What is it?