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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Ms. T's age
I'll never tell! Mwahahaha
What University did Ms. T graduate from?
Georgia State University
What was the name of the Brain Break song?
Boom Chika Boom
What were the 5 pictures in the "Who is Ms. T" slide
Bible Verse, Stitch w Boba, Mugs, Codename: KND, My Hero Academia
Name all 4 Bratz
Yasmin, Chloe, Sasha, and Jade
Name the 2 behavior forms
Consequence & Apology
Name 3 consequences
Reflection, Reteach Lesson/Expectation, Take 5/10, Additional Work Day Participation, Parent Phone, Island with Parent Phone Call, Office Refferal
How do you dispose of garbage?
At the end of class, when leaving
When Ms. T says "Give me Five", you have 5 seconds to do what?
Be quiet, Have your eyes on the speaker, Be still, Hands free, put things down Listen
What do you do when the Intercom buzzes/ an Announcement is made
Stop what you are doing or saying. 2. Listen carefully. 3. Hold any questions until the end of the announcement.
How do you interact with your peers?
Use Kind Words & Keep your hands to yourself
What is the signal to ask for a Brain Break
Raise your hand and tap your noggin with your index finger