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Research Methods

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is meant by population?
The people you want to be able to generalise your sample/research to
What are the three main methods of sampling and describe them?
Opportunity, volunteer, random
What is a 'measure of central tendency'?
Something which looks at the average in a data set. e.g. mean, median, mode
What type of data do open questions produce?
Name at least 7 animal ethical issues
Housing, anesthesia, numbers, deprivation, euthanasia, analgesia, replacement, reward, aversive stimuli, procedure: pain and distress
If you observer the behaviour of a child for 5 minutes in every hour, what type of sampling would you be using?
Time sampling
Which observation methods are most likely to lead to unnatural behaviour?
Overt, controlled
Which experimental design is best for controlling individual differences and why?
Repeated measures
Which self-report method is more like a conversation?
What are the three types of experimental design?
Independent measures, repeated measures, matched pairs
What are the 7 ethical issues for humans?
What are ways of controlling extraneous variables?
counterbalancing, standardised instructions, random allocation to IV
What type of data do closed questions produce?
What is a strength of a matched pairs design?
No order effects. Less individual differences.
What type of observation is most likely to lead to loss of objectivity in the researcher?
What is the difference between a quasi and natural experiment?
One is taking advantage of a naturally occuring variable. The other is having just no control over groups.
What is a strength of laboratory experiments?
Any deemed fit
What type of interview is easiest to replicate?
What is a strength of field experiments?
Any deemed fit