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"Heal The World", from Michael Jackson activity!

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fill in the blanks: "There's a place in your ________ and I know that it is ________"
"There's a place in your heart and I know that it is love"
Fill in the blanks: "Heal the world we live in, save it for our __________"
"Heal the world we live in, save it for our children"
Unscramble the words: "we stop GNITSIXE and start living"
"we stop existing and start living"
Unscramble the words: "If we YTR we shall ESE in this bliss we cannot feel RAEF of dread"
"If we try we shall see in this bliss we cannot feel fear of dread"
Unscramble the words: "Love is SGRTNO. It only cares of joyful giving"
"Love is strong. It only cares of joyful giving"
Unscramble the words: "There's OEVL that cannot lie"
"There's love that cannot lie"
Unscramble the words: "If you want to know YWH"
If you want to know why
Correct the lyrics: "Make a better place to you and to me"
"Make a better place for you and for me"
Correct the lyrics: "If you dare enough for the living"
"If you care enough for the living"
Correct the lyrics: "There is people dying"
"There are people dying"
Correct the lyrics: "For you and for he, and the entire human race"
"For you and for me, and the entire human race"
Correct the lyrics: "Make it a bitter place"
"Make it a better space"
Correct the lyrics: "Heal the word..."
"Heal the world"
Choose the correct alternative: "Make a little PLACE/SPACE make a better PLACE/SPACE"
"Make a little space make a better place"
Choose the correct alternative: "There are ways to get THERE/HERE if you care enough for the GIVING/LIVING"
"There are ways to get there if you care enough for the living"
Choose the correct alternative: "In this place you'll feel there's no HURT/PAIN or sorrow"
"In this place you'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow"
Choose the correct alternative: "And if you really try you'll SEE/FIND there's no need to CRY/LIE"
"And if you really try you'll find there's no need to cry"
Choose the correct alternative: "And this place is much BRIGHTER/BIGGER than YESTERDAY/TOMMOROW"
"And this place is much brighter than tomorrow"
Choose the correct alternative: "There's a place in your BRAIN/HEART and I know that it is DOUBT/LOVE"
"There's a place in your HEART and I know that it is LOVE"
Who was the artist that wrote and recorded "Heal The World"?
It was Michael Jackson!