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A/An - Rooms - Prepositions - Have got/ has got

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A/ An elephant is big. A/ An ant is small.
An elephant - an ant
Can you see a/ an castle?
A/ An boy is buying some chocolate.
She is eating a/ an ice cream.
They ............. a son. His name is Peter. (has got / have got)
have got
You can watch TV with your family in this room.
living room
You can sleep in this room.
You can take a shower and wash your face here.
You can cook here. What is it?
No, he ................ any pens. (hasn't got / haven't got)
hasn't got
Tom and I .......... a football. It is very good. (has got / have got)
have got
Susan ............... a cat. It is a dog. (haven't got / hasn't got)
hasn't got
Peter ................. a dog. It is very cute. (have got/ has got)
has got
Can I borrow your pen please? I .............. any pens. (have got / haven't got)
haven't got
No, we ............. any sisters. (hasn't got / haven't got)
haven't got
Yes, they .............. 2 bedrooms in their house. (have got / has got)
have got
No, we .................. a big kitchen. (have got / haven't got)
haven't got