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Dates and times

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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14th January 1743
The fourteenth of January ,seventeen forty three
Do you know the name of the month AFTER SEPTEMBER??
What is the date? 26th August 2018
The twenty sixth of August ,two thousand eighteen
What is the time? 05.10
It is ten past five
Do you know the name of this daily routine?
have breakfast
24th February 2004
The twenty fourth of February,two thousand four
What is the date? 13th May 1915
The thirteenth of May,nineteen fifteen
What is the name of the month BEFORE JULY?
What is the date? 23rd November 2011
The twenty third of November,two thousand eleven
What is the 12th month of the year ?
What is the date ? 3rd October 1790
The third of October ,seventeen ninty
What is the time?
It is half past two
What time is it?
It is four o'clock
What is the time?
It is quarter past two
What time is it?--------------------- (11.40)
It is twenty to twelve
What is the date ? 29th June 1983
The twenty ninth of June ,nineteen eighty three
What is the date? 1st March 2008
The first of March ,two thousand eight