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Inside the Earth

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How are the crust and the inner core ALIKE?
They are both solid.
Which layer of the Earth is liquid?
outer core
This layer of Earth is thought to be a solid, iron-rich zone.
inner core
What is the outermost layer of the earth?
The order of the 4 main layers from LEAST dense to MOST dense is...
crust, mantle, outer core, inner core
Tectonic plates make up the Earth's.....
lithosphere (will accept crust)
This layer is located between the crust and the core. It's a region of hot, slow-flowing solid rock.
Which layer can be described as either oceanic or continental?
The asthenosphere is made up of...
soft rock that can "flow" (like tar or wet concrete)
Convection currents are powered by heat from which part of the Earth?
Which layer of Earth is the hottest?
inner core
Which layer of the Earth has the most density?
inner core
What kind of heat transfer is taking place in the Earth's mantle?
How can you tell that the inner core has the highest density?
It is a hard ball of solid metal, so it would be very dense. It's also the lowest layer.
How can you tell that the crust has the lowest density?
It is the top layer and floats on the mantle. Denser things sink.
What is the result of convection currents?
movement of the tectonic/lithospheric plates
In which layer to convection currents occur?
What are the two types of crust?
oceanic and continental
Which layer of the Earth is liquid (made of molten metal)?
outer core
Which layer is the least dense and seems to "float" on the asthenosphere of the mantle.
The lithospheric plates "float" on top of the...
Which layer is the THICKEST layer of the Earth?
Which of these is the THINNEST layer of the Earth?
What are the layers of Earth in order (starting from the outside & going inside)?
Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core
What is the mantle made of?
Heated rock
If you were to travel from the surface to the center of Earth, how would the temperature change?
It would get much hotter.
What is the order of the Earth's layers from COOLEST to HOTTEST?
Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core
Which two layers of the earth are solid and non-flowing?
crust & inner core